Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) or facial pain dysfunctions are a host of problems related to your jaw joint. If you have ever had symptoms of pain or a clicking sound, you will be glad to know that these problems are more easily diagnosed and treated than they were in the past. Even clicking can lead to more serious problems, therefore early treatment is important.
Treatment Program
Evaluation of head and neck
Guidelines to improve posture
Techniques to promote healing and muscle relaxation
Cervical and facial exercise program
Physical Therapy is a very successful additional treatment for the facial pain sufferer. Various modalities and techniques are available that help decrease muscle spasms, pain, inflammation, and promote healing of soft tissues. Exercises help restore normal range of motion in your jaw by improving flexibility and strengthening muscles. Exercises to improve head and neck posture will help your jaw alignment, which in turn may help decrease muscular tightness.
Our facial pain and TMJ Dysfunction Program may be a helpful addition to your current dental or medical treatment plan. Thru this comprehensive "team" approach, quicker, more effective and longer lasting or permanent relief from facial pain and TMJ dysfunction may be obtained.